Arts and Health Grant
The Arts and Health Grant (AHG) supports arts and cultural projects or artist in residence programs that contribute to overall health and well-being for individuals and communities. Non-clinical arts activities may occur in health-based or community spaces.
Arts participation has been linked to positive health outcomes. For individuals this may include social, emotional, physical, and/or physiological health benefits. Arts and culture can also address the social determinants of health (SDOH) — the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, and age — to promote thriving communities by raising awareness and reducing social stigmas.
- Health: Utilize non-clinical arts experiences to improve quality of life and create environments helpful to individual and/or group health and well-being. This may include individuals, patients, facility residents, caregivers, and staff in health care or community settings.
- Public Health: Utilize the arts to address the social determinants of health* and to promote the artists as partners in strategies to build healthy communities for all Rhode Islanders.
To learn more about the Rhode Island Arts and Health Initiative, read the RI State Arts and Health Plan.
Award Amount: Up to $7,000.
Who can apply
- 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based in Rhode Island. Eligible nonprofit organizations may include health-based, social service, community-based, or arts and cultural organizations.
- Groups fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Rhode Island.
- Grants open for applications on Feb. 1.
- Deadline is on April 1 at 11:59 p.m.
- Funding period supports a project occurring between July 1 and June 30, the state’s fiscal year.
- Grant notifications will be sent in mid-June (tentative).
- Final report is due the July 31 following the project period.
A project is defined as a discrete set of connected activities with a distinct beginning and end. Projects can be one-time events such as an exhibition, a series such as a roster of workshops, or thematically connected concerts, productions, or arts program. However, the same organization could not apply to support its entire season of programming since that reflects that totality of the organization’s programming and falls outside RISCA's definition of a project.
Project Examples
- Example One: A senior center offers an interactive 12-week music program to stimulate memory and cognitive awareness for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia and their caregivers.
- Example Two: A substance misuse treatment center offers a series of eight workshops presented by professional artist(s) (in mediums such as dance, movement, singing, painting, storytelling, poetry, and/or writing) to enable participants to explore their own experience, build a sense of belonging, and develop skills that will assist with their ongoing recovery.
- Example Three: A dance company hosts an adaptive dance artist for a 6-month residency at a rehabilitation center for residents and staff to improve physical mobility, confidence, and social connections.
Public Health
- Example One: A homeless shelter partners with a mural artist to create artworks that communicate the experience of homelessness; the resulting works are displayed in a community center to build understanding of the causes and challenges related to homelessness.
- Example Two: An arts organization and a social justice nonprofit partner to create and promote a public spoken word performance that explores the connection between racism and health outcomes. A post-performance community conversation is planned to encourage ongoing dialogue about racism and its impact in the local community.
- Example Three: A senior center and school co-organize an artist residency to present oral histories, writing, and visual arts workshops. Seniors and students tell, write, and illustrate stories, facilitating intergenerational connection and reducing social isolation. The event culminates with publication of a book, public readings, and/or an exhibit at the senior center and school.
See grants awarded in the most recent grant cycle.
Project Value to the Community
Core to all funded programs is a connection and value to the community being engaged with by the public, fulfilling RISCA’s charge to facilitate a meaningful cultural life for all Rhode Island residents.
Per guidelines from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and our agency values, programs that engage underserved communities as defined by the NEA are particularly suitable for grants.
- The project addresses a health need/challenge and specifies how the non-clinical art-based experiences or artist residency promotes positive health outcomes for individuals or communities.
- Direct participation of artist(s) is a core element of the project.
- A health professional(s) and/or subject matter expert(s) is an advisor on this project.
- This organization has a Unique Entity ID (UEI). If not, I will reach out to the RISCA program director for instructions on how to apply without a UEI.
- This project is not receiving direct funding from another RISCA grant.
- This organization is not requesting support for this project or aspects of this project through another RISCA grants program.
- This organization is not applying for another RISCA grant at the same deadline.
- This organization is not receiving General Operating Support for Organizations from RISCA.
- This program occurs in spaces that are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. See the NEA’s Accessibility: Publications, Checklists, & Resources for more information.
- The funded portion of the project activity takes place in Rhode Island.
- This organization is not delinquent on any final reports for previous RISCA grants.
You must be a nonprofit organization
- Conducting business and be incorporated in the State of Rhode Island as a 501(c)(3) with tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.
- Registered with the R.I. Secretary of State.
- Governed by a revolving board of directors, trustees or advisory board drawn from the community at large and shown to be actively involved in the governance of the organization.
- If not 501(c)(3) tax exempt, a Rhode Island-based organization using a Fiscal Sponsor* that fits the above requirements.
- To confirm nonprofit status with the state, visit R.I. Secretary of State’s online database.
Note: Divisions, branches, departments, programs, or other subunits of nonprofit corporations, colleges, or universities are ineligible to apply on their own. Applications may be submitted only by the parent corporation.
You still can be eligible if your organization is incorporated in a state outside of Rhode Island. For out of state organizations to be eligible, they must:
- Show their principal place of business is in Rhode Island.
- Be registered with the R.I. Secretary of State’s office.
- Produce programming predominantly in Rhode Island.
- Be governed by a revolving board of directors, trustees or advisory board drawn predominantly from the Rhode Island community.
*Applying with a Fiscal Sponsor
- If not 501(c)(3) tax exempt, a Rhode Island-based organization can apply via a Fiscal Sponsor. A Fiscal Sponsor is an organization registered with R.I.’s Secretary of State Office and can accept a grant on your behalf. The Sponsor must be financially, administratively, and programmatically responsible for all conditions of the grant.
- Organizations interested in using a Fiscal Sponsor must contact the Deputy Director prior to beginning an application for approval and to request a grant profile that links the organization to the Fiscal Sponsor.
- Nonprofit organizations acting as Fiscal Sponsors can also apply for grants for their own programs or be awardees.
When submitting a grant via a Fiscal Sponsor, a letter of agreement between the applicant and the Fiscal Sponsor must be provided. Download the fiscal sponsorship letter template. Typically, Fiscal Sponsor will charge an administrative fee ranging from 0-10 percent depending on the degree of administrative support and bookkeeping required. This fee can be factored into your budget.
- Must fit RISCA’s definition of a nonprofit organization as stated above.
- Is responsible for signing any grant documents and ensuring that the sponsored organization follows the rules of the grant program and submits their final report.
- Cannot be a project partner in the sponsored organization’s application.
Note: If there is an organization that fits the Agency’s definition of an eligible nonprofit involved in the project, they can function as the lead applicant.
- All grant awards are contingent upon the availability of funds from the Rhode Island General Assembly and the NEA.
- The maximum grant award in this category is $ 7,000 - but partial awards are common. Partial awards will be no less than 50% of the application request or $1,000, whichever is higher.
- Grant applications are considered on a competitive basis. Award amounts may vary cycle to cycle depending on available funds, number of applications, and the panel decision-making. For more information on our Decision-Making Process, visit our Applicant Resources web page.
- If you receive a partial award, you may modify the project. Please reach out to staff to discuss project modifications at any time.
- You also have the option of declining the grant award with no penalties.
- If you receive a grant, you must credit the Agency on all marketing materials. See Acknowledging RISCA.
Grant funding cannot be used for the following:
- Capital improvement projects, like the construction or renovation of buildings or major permanent equipment purchases.
- Addressing, eliminating, or reducing existing debt or for contributions to an endowment fund.
- Development or fundraising, such as social events or benefits or any fundraising expenses.
- Entertainment and hospitality, including expenses for activities such as receptions, parties, galas, etc. Specific costs that have a core programmatic purpose and are included in your budget may be allowable.
- Prizes and awards for an event, person, and/or organization.
- Regranting the funds to other artists or organizations through an application or award process.
- Activities that are associated with a graduate or undergraduate degree program or for which academic credit is received.
- Applications for projects that proselytize or promote religious activities, or which take place as part of a religious service.
- Programming, performances, and exhibitions unavailable and/or inaccessible to the public. This includes programming that occurs in a space that does not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Expenses incurred or activity happening outside of the award period.
Note: The Arts and Health Grant does not fund clinical art activities, and the grant funds cannot be used for artists or health experts that are eligible for third party billing.
Access Policy
It is the policy of RISCA that no qualified individual, based on disability, shall be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of services, programs, or activities of the agency or the agency’s grantees, or be subjected to discrimination.
For questions on accommodations, contact Seamus Hames, Arts Education Program Director and 504 Accessibility Coordinator, at 401-222-6994 or
How to Apply
RISCA only accepts applications through the online grant system Foundant. Please note there are two different grant portals. One for individual artists and one for organizations. If you have questions about whether you or an organization already has a profile in the system or if you have questions about logging in, please contact one of the program directors: Staff Directory | RISCA.
To log in or set up an applicant profile: Online Grant Application Portal for Organizations
Section 1: For RISCA staff to determine if the applicant meets the eligibility requirements to move to panel review. Includes an eligibility checklist and required uploads.
Section 2: For Panel to learn about the project and to review and score it based on the evaluation criteria. There are three parts.
- Logistics - simple questions, check boxes and uploads about the who, what, where, and when of the project. Includes project timeline and budget uploads.
- Artistic Vibrancy and Impact - three short narrative questions to explain how the art is central to the project, how this artist and/or art will provide a positive impact as measured by the indicated metrics, and how this project will provide access to the identified participants.
- Program specific narrative question(s) and testimonial upload to demonstrate how this project aligns with the specific grant program. For the arts and health grant, describe how this project addresses a health need/challenge and specify how the non-clinical art-based experiences or artist residency promotes positive health outcomes for individuals or communities. This should directly relate to the selected metrics to measure under “Logistics.” Briefly describe how the health and/or community partners are integral to the design and implementation of the project.
Panel reviewers will use the following criteria to evaluate and recommend applications for funding.
- The application clearly states what will be done by whom, when and where things will take place, and how this project will happen both logistically and financially.
- The applicant indicates relevant metrics to measure their progress.
Artistic Vibrancy and Impact.
- Art is central to this project.
- The artist/artists will provide a positive and purposeful experience for the participants.
- This project provides access or engages underserved communities as identified by the NEA. Refer to the intended participants/audiences the applicant identified under "Logistics."
Health Benefit and Impact
- The project addresses a health need/challenge and specifies how engaging with the arts* will improve health and quality of life for individuals and/or communities.
- Health and/or community partners are integral to the design and implementation of the project.
- For Health Projects: Evidence of integrating the arts as a healing modality – such as improving mood, social interactions, or physical function.
For Public Health Projects: Describes how the arts and culture activities will address one or more of the social determinants of health (SDOH) to provide a community health benefit.
*Note the arts engagements are non-clinical experiences. They may have therapeutic outcomes but are not intended as treatment or to cure an illness.
Note: Per NEA enabling legislation, The NEA requires that state arts agencies include artistic merit and artistic excellence in their evaluative criteria. However, the NEA allows state arts agencies to define artistic merit and excellence for themselves and in conversation with their communities. For this grant program, artistic merit and artistic excellence is defined as “Artistic Vibrancy and Impact.”
For Staff review: Required Documentation for Determining Applicant Eligibility
- 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Letter.
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). The UEI, a 12-character Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) assigned by the federal System for Awards Management (SAM), must be submitted by any entity receiving federal funds. Visit the SAM.GOV website to learn how to get a UEI for your organization.
- Recent 990 from one of your past three fiscal years. A 990 is the type of annual tax return 501(c)(3) nonprofits file. For nonprofits less than one-year-old who have yet to complete a 990 form, you will need to submit a Word Document indicating that you have not completed a 990 form.
- If you are using a Fiscal Sponsor, you need your Fiscal Sponsor’s 501(c)(3) Determination Letter, UEI, recent 990, and Fiscal Sponsor letter. Use the Fiscal Sponsor Template for your letter.
For Panel Review: Required Documents and Support Materials for Project Evaluation
- Project Budget (Required to use the RISCA Organization Budget Template).
- Project Plan (Required to use the RISCA template).
- Bio/CV/Resume of artist(s) involved.
- Bio/CV/Resume of health advisor / subject matter expert.
- Artistic Work Samples: Up to three work samples, showing how the artist(s) involved in the project have experience relevant to this project.
- This may include images, video, audio, and/or writing. Pieces of art include but are not limited to: a short film; a graphic novel; a dance; a painting; a piece of jewelry; a song; a sculpture; a performance in a public place; a poem; a class/lesson/workshop you taught or work of your students; or a quilt.
- You may submit a maximum of 10 images; and 10 minutes of video; and 10 minutes of audio; and up to 20 pages of writing.
- Note: You must upload support materials to a Google Drive folder, open to everyone with the link or link and password.
- Work Samples List. Describe each work sample in 1-3 sentences of context about why you feel these work samples show the artist(s) involved in the project have experience relevant to this project.
- Testimonial. This can be quotes, a short testimonial, or some other statement from a person or people who has experience with this program, organization, or the artist(s).
- Arts in Health refers to the field dedicated to using the power of the arts to enhance health and well-being in diverse institutional and community contexts. (National Organization for Arts in Health).
- Arts in Public Health refers to professional artists practicing in collaboration with public health professionals or communities to enhance population health through wellness and prevention. This includes addressing the social determinants of health as well as the upstream drivers of health inequities. (Center for the Arts in Medicine, University of Florida).
- Arts in Healthcare is a multidisciplinary field dedicated to transforming the healthcare experience by connecting people with the arts and artists practices in the healthcare environment.
- Behavioral Health describes the connection between behaviors and the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. Behavioral health looks at how behaviors impact someone’s health — physical and mental.
- Creative Therapies is the use of art forms to help treat certain health conditions. These therapies recognize the inherent connection between creativity and the human psyche, utilizing various creative modalities to address emotional, psychological, and physical challenges. Creative therapies encompass a range of practices, including art therapy, music therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, and poetry/writing therapy.
- Creative Arts Therapists are mental health or counseling professionals who "use distinct arts-based methods and creative processes for the purpose of ameliorating disability and illness and optimizing health and wellness" (NCCATA, 2020 - National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations, Inc.). Distinct difference from professional artists because of difference in qualifications and licensing/certification.
- Health Professional is an individual who is trained and qualified to provide healthcare services to individuals, families, and communities. Health professionals include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, and others who work in various healthcare settings to promote, maintain, and restore people’s health and well-being. They are dedicated to diagnosing and treating illnesses, preventing diseases, and improving overall health outcomes.
- Health* is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
- Non-clinical refers to patient care supports that do not provide direct diagnosis, treatment, testing, or care for a patient.
- Nonprofit Organization: Is incorporated in and conducting business in the State of Rhode Island, with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, registered with the Rhode Island Secretary of State, governed by a revolving board of directors, trustees or advisory board drawn from the community at large and shown to be actively involved in the governance of the organization.
- Participatory Arts engagement means the participants should be participating in the art making, not just observing a presentation of the art form by the teaching artist. Projects must be experiential and focus on the exploration of art and the artistic process.
- Public Health* refers to all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focuses on entire populations, not on individual patients or diseases.
- Social determinants of health (SDOH)* are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, and political systems. The SDH have an important influence on health inequities - the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries.
- Underserved communities. The National Endowment for the Arts defines “underserved” communities as "ones in which individuals lack access to arts programs due to geography, economic conditions, ethnic background, or disability."
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). The federal government requires all organization have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Organizations applying for grants from us will need a UEI to submit the application. We recommend you request a UEI as soon as possible to ensure you have it by the application deadline. Visit the website for the latest information and instructions on how to obtain a UEI. Note: To obtain a “Unique Entity ID” does not require a full registration. This registration is free – but there are many scammers out there. Make sure you are doing this process through a .gov website and only trust communications that come from regarding registration and annual renewals.
*As defined by The World Health Organization
Are you ready to apply?
- Guidelines (pdf)
- Application Questions (pdf)
- Budget template (xlsl)
- Project Plan Template (xlsl)
- Evaluation Criteria and Scoring (pdf)
- Fiscal-Sponsor-Template-Letter_FY25 (doc)
- Work Samples List Template (pdf)

Anisa Raoof
Grants Program Manager Arts and Health
Read Anisa's bio
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Grant Support