Scott Saracen

Senior Systems Design Programmer
R.I. Film and Television Office
As the Senior Systems Design Programmer for the R.I. Film and Television Office, Saracen creates and oversees all forms of media content, including photography, video and web design to help promote the Film and Television Office as well as to show film and television companies the various locations and beauty of our state. His other roles include assisting the executive director and his executive assistant with any needs pertaining to the office such as coordinating with producers, administering film permits and setting up screening events. In addition, he will also oversee an educational program, and work with schools and our local community to offer online training and workshops.
Saracen has been passionate about film and television since he was a young child. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with others to help grow the next generation of filmmakers.
Q. What is a favorite artwork or project you have made or collaborated on and memorable arts and culture?
A. He enjoyed working on a three-part documentary series about the Gorham Silver company for PBS. His favorite piece for PBS was on a Rhode Island artist that makes what he calls “Becorns”. He makes woodland creatures out of acorns, sticks and other natural materials, poses them and then takes pictures of them interacting with wildlife.
A memorable experience that he had as a kid was attending a Narragansett Pow Wow. From the dancing, singing, drumbeats and colorful costumes, to the traditional arts and craftwork of the native Narragansetts, he was struck by the artistic happenings that sparked all my senses.
Scott Saracen started his career at Rhode Island PBS while a student at Rhode Island College. Over the span of 26 years, he has honed his craft initially as an editor and camera operator and working his way up to producing and directing television programs and award-winning documentaries for the national PBS market. His wife, also his producing partner, has worked alongside him at PBS for over 20 years. He has a 9-year-old son, two dogs and a cat, and loves to travel. He worked in broadcast television for 26 years producing tv shows and documentaries for PBS as well as creating commercial and corporate content for companies such as Swarovski, Merck and the New York Times Co.