Lisa Ramos Photo

Lisa Ramos
Design and Marketing Coordinator

What do you do at RISCA?

Lisa Ramos is the Design and Marketing Coordinator for the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA). Lisa brings experience in design, management, and marketing. She is currently focused on communication and outreach efforts as it relates to design and marketing of the Arts Council across the state, by contributing to the website, newsletter, press and social media components. 

Q. What was a memorable arts and culture experience you had as a young person?

A. One of my fondest memories was taking art classes at the RISD Museum as a child. We would walk through the halls studying these masterpieces, filled with wonder and intrigue. Then we would use everyday materials to recreate or be inspired by these sculptures such as bending wire and even carving soap. It was amazing to be so close to these beautiful artifacts and discuss the artists who worked for generations perfecting their technique with a timeless dedication to the arts.