State Arts Council Opened Applications for Individual Artists and R.I.'s Teaching Artist Roster
Published on Thursday, May 16, 2024
Help sessions planned for General Operating Support for Artists applicants
Providence, R.I.—The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) announced today applications have opened for the individual artist grant program, General Operating Support for Artists, and R.I.'s Teaching Artist Roster, a directory of approved arts educators.
The Teaching Artist Roster is a listing of teaching artists and arts organizations who have been reviewed by public panels. They are selected based on their mastery of an artistic discipline, experience and training to work in educational settings.
RISCA's General Operating Support for Artists program provides grants of $6,000 for each of three consecutive years (totaling $18,000) for artists to work toward large, specific, self-identified goals in their art practice. This funding is unrestricted, and artists can use the funds to support their goals. First time applicants are encouraged to apply. Three artists will be selected to receive this grant.
The application deadline for both programs is July 1.
Online help sessions for the General Operating Support for Artists are (RSVP is required)