Arts Agency ushers in October’s Arts and Humanities Month with arts and culture events, exhibits and program
Published on Monday, August 28, 2023
Immediate Release
Monday, Aug. 28, 2023
RI’s Arts and Humanities Month is themed ‘Collective Responsibility’
Providence, R.I. – October is National Arts and Humanities Month, and Governor McKee and the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) announced today celebrations, exhibits and programs exploring arts and culture’s key role in strengthening, developing and creating healthier communities and individual wellbeing throughout the state.
Read the Governor's Proclamation
“I am pleased to join with the R.I. State Council on the Arts to celebrate one of our state’s key economic drivers — the arts and cultural community," Governor McKee said. “I encourage all Rhode Islanders to take part in the planned activities and enjoy and appreciate our vibrant arts and culture community this October."
“With the theme Collective Responsibility, I am delighted to celebrate the artists, culture bearers, and arts and culture organizations, which contribute to the quality of life in Rhode Island every day. We have planned events that will spark conversations and ideas centered on creating social connections, driving economic opportunities, improving health outcomes, and imagining new visions for the future,” said Lynne McCormack, Executive Director of RISCA. “Our theme of Collective Responsibility, references RISCA’s core values and the way in which the arts community serves our state through education, investment in youth development and lifelong learning.”
Check out our website,, for updates and additional information on Arts and Humanities Month. Here are some of the local programs planned for September through early November.
- In Person: Arts and Health – Mix and Mingle, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Shri Studio, Service Corps and Bark, 390 Pine Street Pawtucket. The event is open to artists, creatives, health professionals and other innovators who believe in the power of the arts to engage communities and improve wellbeing. Hosted by the Rhode Island Arts and Health Partnership, the event is free. RSVP.
- Online: Arts and Health Conversation: A Community Primer on Arts and Health, Wednesday, Oct. 11, noon-1 p.m.: Learn about RISCA’s expanded Arts and Health Grant program and resources for artists and organizations. How do we identify individual and community health needs and measure success? Hosted by a RISCA staff member, there will be a presentation followed by time for questions. RSVP.
- In Person: Celebrating the Life and Work of Jeannine Chartier, at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Thursday, Oct. 12, 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Jeannine Chartier, Executive Director of Arts Equity (formerly VSA Arts Rhode Island), exemplified the value of collective responsibility, and was a tireless lifelong advocate for the visibility, rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in American society. She partnered with RISCA in various capacities for more than three decades to ensure a voice for people with disabilities in the Rhode Island arts and culture community broadly. The event is co-hosted by Arts Equity, the RISD Museum and RISCA. RSVP.
- Online: R.I. Arts Data Dashboard for Community Based Organizations, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.: Join RISCA for a walk-through of the updated R.I. Arts Education Data Dashboard, which allows users to view arts education data in our K-12 public and public charter schools. RSVP.
- In Person: RISCA’s Atrium Gallery at One Capitol Hill, Providence, Friday, Oct. 27- Wednesday Feb. 7, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., works by Angel Beth Smith will be on exhibit. Featured artist Smith, a RISD graduate in Textile Design, whose work shows the intricacies of fabric design and weaving are evident in the meticulous attention to detail portrayed in her work.
- Opening Reception at Atrium Gallery, Department of Administration Building, One Capitol Hill, Providence, with Angel Beth Smith, Thursday, Nov. 9, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Open to the public and free.
Related Arts and Humanities Event
- In Person: Imagining America (IA) National Gathering – Radical Reckoning: Invoking Elements for Collective Change, Friday, Oct. 20 – Sunday, Oct. 22, at locations throughout Providence. In partnership with College Unbound, AS220, and the City of Providence, the gathering offers participants a three-day immersive experience in which to connect, dialogue, learn and strategize ways to build new knowledge and inspire collective imagination towards transformative education and action. Register for the 2023 IA National Gathering! | Imagining America. (This is a national conference and not produced by RISCA. Registration fee associated with this event.)
National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM) is a nationwide collective recognition of the importance of arts and culture in America. NAHM was launched more than 30 years ago by Americans for the Arts (AFTA) to raise public awareness about the critical role arts and humanities play in our communities.